My Blog
My thoughts, musings, ideas, and anything else I feel like writing about.
Announcing reason-react-apollo 🎉
I launched a new open-source project to make it easy to generate Reason types and bindings for working with GraphQL operations using Apollo.
Typing GraphQL Operations in ReasonML
GraphQL operations are tricky to type well because of their somewhat dynamic nature. graphql-ppx solves this to an extend, but I'd like to propose an alternative approach that allows for more reuse between different parts of your app.
Use Belt To Hold Up Your ReasonML App
Belt is ReasonML's new-ish standard library, but it's a little hard to find a good explanation of what it is and what you can do with it. Let's take a look at how you might want to use it in your Reason app!
Sharing Types in a ReasonML/GraphQL App
When I started building an app in ReasonML with a GraphQL backend, I wanted a way to share the types for my queries and mutations around the app. In this post I'll dive into how that can work, and some of the tradeoffs.
Oh, hai!
Hello world! It's my first blog post.